Thursday, 6 November 2008

Vanity Fair, have used Daniel Craig for their main image, to advertise their magazine. Craig is presented as sexy, and attractive, this is through his facial expression and the way he is looking towards the camera, which is eye catching.
The use of an orange background and him wearing black and white, suggests he is well dressed and presents himself nicely. This can therefore appeal to males, as they aspire to be like him, because he is a successful actor; the film advertised on the cover with him is, James Bond. This film is inspiring to males, aged 16-40, as he is a good looking agent; the film follows the proppian theory, making him like the hero, as getting the girl, who is the princess. The institution is therefore, trying to convey to their male audience, that they should be like Craig, to ‘get the girls.’
However, females can be attracted to be buy the magazine, because they find Craig sexy, and want to find someone like him.

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